Letter from the CEO/President Louisa L. Jaffe

When I started TAPE in late 2003 with Bill Jaffe, we shared a vision. We wanted to do more than just sell “something to the government.” We both had a passion for creating measurable value, increasingly efficient processes, and credible, reliable results. We both really cared about creating a compassionate working environment that empowers our employees to draw on their own unique creativity to offer solutions in anticipation of our customers’ needs.
TAPE, Technical and Project Engineering, stands today as a bridge between government challenges and dynamic, evolving solutions. This “bridge” is composed of continually updated, cutting edge technologies applied by creative, expert employees trained to customize solutions that are unique to our customers.
Our approach is innovative and extends beyond traditional analysis techniques to capture a complete set of perspectives. We integrate technology to capture economies of scale capable of addressing massive amounts of data with fewer resources, and we integrate expert knowledge in how to apply technical capabilities to the multiple demands of our customers. In sum, we provide solutions that endure and evolve with today’s ever-changing operating environments.
TAPE offers a set of processes whereby we, after listening carefully to ensure we understand your needs, will craft a solution custom-fitted to your particular requirements. TAPE is committed to bringing you value. That is the only way we measure our own success.
I look forward to sharing more details with you about TAPE.