// Current Project


Prime Contract No.: W91CRB-17-D-0013/W9ICRB24F0082

Subcontract No.: 15155

Type of Contract: T&M

Period of Performance: 01/20/2024 – 01/19/2029

Contract End Date: 8/25/2023

TAPE provides support to CALIBRE to maintain the Army Force Organization Cost Estimating Systems
(FORCES) suite of models. TAPE employs a senior systems programmer and senior consultant to help
make these models available to users. These two personnel help update databases supporting FORCES,
modify program code in FORCES; maintain and develop new methodologies, data tables, and cost
factors required to meet changing Army policies; develop the Army’s Installation Status Report –
Infrastructure (ISR-I) new construction, sustainment, and renovation cost factors; provide ongoing
subject matter expertise to the ISR-I cost factors; and generate Historic Preservation cost factors.