// Knowledge Based Services

Resource Optimization & Financial Management

TAPE provides a full spectrum of informed, knowledgeable, and experienced support to all phases of the federal financial management process. This includes recognized subject matter experts in programming, budget formulation, congressional action, including response to congressional inquiries,
justification of requirements, and budget execution at the organization through agency levels.

The TAPE team has demonstrated an Army-acknowledged expertise in the development of resource modeling to determine future-year resource requirements in the programming phase, and its result – the Program Objective Memorandum (POM). Our ability to provide timely and accurate budgeting/POM-PPBE support reports on program execution has proven to be an invaluable asset in managing and accounting for scarce funding at all levels of organizations. The TAPE team’s focus includes concentrated support and assistance to organizational audit and review of agency performance in order to meet the statutory provisions and reporting requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).

Financial Services Analytics ImageTAPE analysts have proven proficiency in assisting customers in managing financial resources. They are committed to providing outstanding client support – drawing upon years of experience – to assist in building, developing, formulating, justifying, defending, and managing resources. Some examples include; requirements analysis, strategic financial planning, performance and program evaluation, cost modeling, cost-benefit analysis and prioritization analysis driven by resource constraints.

We are experts at training resource modeling, which includes model development, design, fielding, utilization, and maintenance. Our model output is typically designed to support a wide range of decision-making processes and when combined with our analytical expertise generates relevant, accurate, and timely information. Our analysts are experts in acquiring and/or developing relevant, accurate, model input, and frequently, applying flexibility and innovation to extrapolate existing information in order to meet the needs of decision-makers.

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