Technical and Project Engineering, LLC, (TAPE) is a trusted provider of Knowledge-based Services (KBS), Technology Services, and Training and Readiness Solutions to the Federal Government. Our experts help clients solve complex challenges by integrating internal expertise with existing processes. For example, TAPE provides program support and Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) services. These help to track acquisition support and logistics for training facilities and devices.

// About Us

Get to Know TAPE

Letter from the CEO/President

Vision, Mission, and Values


Executive Support

TAPE develops software that builds readiness by modeling financial requirements for individual and unit training. The data supports the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution processes. We provide advisory and assistance (A&AS) and KBS to support a wide range of systems. These include visual and virtual training, along with modeling and simulation (M&S) training. We constantly strive to meet the challenge of keeping our nation safe. We do this by making the military and government more efficient and cost-effective. At TAPE, you can Measure Us by Your Results®.

// Take it with you

TAPE Core Capabilities = TAPEAbilities®

TAPEAbilities® PDF

Contact Us

Let us know how TAPE can best serve your organization by filling out the form and a representative will be in touch with you soon.