Want to tackle the hiring process yourself? Ross Statham of Dogwood Services Inc. offers his suggestions for how to proceed.
Why your best talent will usually need to be recruited (reached out to) by someone outside your organization.
Everything we do has an element of sales to it: if we want someone to do something for us, or buy something from us, we must sell them on the idea.
We at TAPE salute Nelson Mandela as a great visionary. As his birthday approaches, we are proud to share these leadership lessons.
In lean times, leaders look for the light. We will find what we need to find, within ourselves as well as outside of ourselves.
Throughout her military and private sector careers, TAPE CEO/President Louisa Jaffe learned to start every effort by defining success in advance.
At TAPE we focus on keeping the customer’s mission at the center and at the heart of all we do, and it’s important that we apply this value as a leadership tool.
Being a good listener allows us to identify really outstanding ideas that may be game-changing concepts. We might miss these new ideas unless we are really listening.
“Delegation is about making room on my plate and helping you do the same for all of us to share the load.” – Louisa Jaffe, TAPE CEO/President
After making a positive first impression, the next most important thing a person can do is follow up. TAPE CEO/President Louisa Jaffe shares her thoughts.